Concerts – Piano
When playing the piano, you can create an incredible range of sounds, and mediate extraordinary stories. In this unusual way of communication, I can produce sounds, develop them, and bring the audience in direct contact with me, the player, and the composer.
In my multi-faceted programmes, composers from various epochs come to life via their music. The music becomes a bridge between history, art and time, and arouses the need for more.
Concert engagements, International references:
China, France, Scotland, England, Estonia, Ireland, Austria, Italy – Montepulciano, Verona (Conservatorio di Musica,Teatro Nuovo, Castelvecchio, Accademia Di Belli Arti).
Concert engagements, National references:
Ingolstadt (Stadttheater, Stadtmuseum, Reitschule, Ettinger Musikhaus, Stadttheather, Klenzepark, Kamerariat), Würzburg (HfM), Murnau am Staffelsee (Tagungszentrum), Bad Füssing (Kulturhaus) Nürnberg (Serenadenhof), Schloss Hirschberg , Neuburg, Eichstätt (Residenz), Lichtenberg, Essen, Freising, München (Gasteig Kleiner Konzertsaal, Schloss Nymphenburg, Seidlvilla, Kaulbachvilla, Albert-Lempp-Saal, Krankenhaus Rechts der Isar, Augustinum Nord/West, Planegg, Remise Gauting, Katholische Hochschule, HfM).